Wednesday, September 29, 2010

First Cosplay Shooting

Well... After 5 months holding my DSLR, finally I have the opportunity to photo-shoot cosplayer in a non-event condition.

Let's have some brief intro for the cosplayer:
Kumiko Mei Yee - Started to cosplay 3 years ago, just active in cosplay recently. (That's all I know?? LOL)

She will be cosplaying as this character:
Enma Ai from Jigoku Shoujo

I can't say I'm prepared for this, but I'll give my best shot!! Hope I can kick start my journey here and she can starts to build some popularity in the world of cosplay.


  1. hmmm hmmm.. I'll be waitin o....
    all da best.. ENJOY~

  2. Haha^^
    before knowing me.............><
